
Featured Blogger- Ladderedtights10



How do you get your inspiration for the outfits you wear ?
I've always been a big fan of magazines ever since I can remember. I'll read any magazine and I guess just seeing people in those magazines and what they are wearing gives me ideas of what clothes I want to wear. 


Who has had the biggest fashon influence on your outfits ?
I don't think there's a certain celebrity or person who's look I copy or want to look like but I like people like Kate Moss, Jameela Jamil and Fearne Cotton. I like the edgy look but still keeping it quite girly and fun!




What blogs and websites do you follow and why ? 
I really like Fashion Looks North (http://fashionlooksnorth.blogspot.com/) I'm a Northern girl myself so I agree that we have a lot better style ;) haha
My friend Rachel runs Polkadot Stripes and she's lovely also. (http://polkadotstripes.wordpress.com/) I really like this blog too. She takes some lovely photos. The Fall - http://cull-candy.blogspot.com/

Would you describe yourself as a trendsetter or fashion follower ?
Wow, umm... I am nowhere near socially high enough or cool enough to be a trendsetter! :') I like to keep up with the latest trends and I guess I do follow fashion. I do wear the same kind of things that most girls my ages seem to, but I do like to look a little bit different to everybody else in a way.



How would you describe your style ? 
I am very much quite a girly girl, so my wardrobe is definitely very feminine but I'd also say there's quite an edgy/cute twist on it as well.

Does the hosiery you wear dictate the clothes,outfit you wear ?
I guess sometimes, yeah. Like, if I'm wearing all black and white I will usually wear my floral tights to stand out a bit more and add some colour to the outfit and make it seem more fun. And I like my black and white two toned tights to make the outfit seem a bit more "kooky" and different too.

What is in your hosiery drawer or closet ? 
Off the top of my head I have: 2 pairs of floral tights, 1 pair of black and white florals, heart print, dotted tights, black and white two tones, white tights, zig zag prints, purple tights and normal plain black ones. Oh, I have some really bright orange ones which I got for a fancy dress party but I've never worn them since :')



Where do you shop for hosiery ? 
Start off in places like Primark - they have some nice designs and they're rather cheap so that's a plus. All my floral ones are from Primark and they're just £4!
Topshop tights are brilliant but they are a little more expensive.
New Look and Dorothy Perkins have some lovely ones too.

What was the last item of hosiery you brought, how much you spent etc ?
I bought my black and white floral tights just yesterday actually. £4, Primark. I can't wait to put an outfit together to wear them out somewhere!


How does wearing tights make you feel emotionally ? More feminine,better with girly outfits not thought about it ?
I guess I do feel sort of naked if I'm not wearing tights. I'm not really a fan of going bare legged anywhere, even though I do like my legs and showing them off a bit, I just rather show them off in some tights! If my outfit means I need to be bare legged, I'll usually wear nude tights.

When do you wear hosiery,daily-once a week etc ?
Usually most days. I used to live in jeans but now I never wear them. I always wear skirts and dresses.

What is your hosiery staple ? 
Well, my favourite pairs are my colourful florals and my heart print ones.



What are your style tips for wearing tights ?
Just be brave! There's so many crazy designs out there and people feel like they can't wear them because of what other people will say. I cannot even being to tell you how many funny looks and comments I get when I go to the supermarket in floral tights! But I couldn't care less, because I like them and I know they look good.

How do you put on tights?
haha, what a question! I suppose the best way is to sort of roll each leg up to the toe, get you foot in and then unroll all the way up!
However, I usually end up hopping all over my bedroom :')



The best and worst things about hosiery, Love-hate ?
Best thing: umm, there's just so much variety and they can just make an instant stand out statement and can just make an outfit.
Worst thing: definitely laddering! Once you see that little hole formed you know you're doomed! A top tip though... once you see a hole form, get some clear nail varnish and put it all around the hole. It prevent the ladder forming (further).

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