Materials: 30 inches of silver curb chain
Worn out black nylons
Chain plier and round nose plier ( Jewelry-Tool-Guide)
Needle and black thread
Jewelry cutter
1. With the pliers, separate four strands of 4 in each of the chain, two strands of 3 in, and four of 2 in .
2. This is the fun part. Put on the tights and start ripping little holes on them with the cutter (be creative). Make sure that you have distributed the holes all around your leg, not just in the front of the tights.
3. Once you're done ripping the tights line up the strands of chains, from longest to shortest, for each leg. I used two of the 4 in strands, one 3 in, and two 2 in chains for one leg .
4. Carefully take your needle and thread and start sewing the chains to the tights. Sew only the ends of the chain. Remember to space them out equally on your leg. Stay next to a mirror to check the placement of the chains. When you are done with leg 1 place the chains on your other leg symmetrically.
5. Now you have rockin' tights that can add some grunge to your outfit!