Nude-colored pantyhose are making a run back onto the fashion scene.
Thank the fashion truism: Everything old is new again. If it goes out of style, keep it a couple decades and it will be back in style again.
Instead of trying to fight the trend, four women at the Indianapolis Star decided to join it — stretching our comfort level by wearing nude pantyhose for a day — and living to tell about it.
Amanda Kingsbury, content strategist
Pantyhose memory: I begged my mom to let me wear pantyhose to church when I was in fourth grade. I wore them with a summer dress and a pair of clogs and felt so grown up. They were "suntan." They made me look as if I'd tinted my legs with barbecue sauce.
So how did it go? I was impressed when I recently put on my $8.75 Hue sheer hosiery in "Natural" because they actually looked natural. However, they gave me a wedgie and the control-top waistband kept rolling beneath my belly button.
Cathy Knapp, newsroom researcher
Pantyhose memory: I was 12 years old when I talked my mom into letting me wear nylons. As the oldest child in the family, I was the daughter who charted new territory for my younger sisters.I was introduced to hosiery complete with a garter belt to secure the stockings. Yep. Pantyhose had not yet made their debut.
So how did it go? As I shopped for stockings with my colleagues I was surprised at such a limited selection. I then wondered if pantyhose were going in the same direction as the slips that I grew up wearing with all of my dresses. Today when I shop for a dress and think it is sheer enough it might need a slip I wonder if my granddaughters would even know what a slip is. Sigh...
To bare or not to bare? I don't have to dwell on this question. At my age, appearance easily outweighs even a minor inconvenience or a little discomfort. I don't wear them often but I do wear them. They camouflage spider veins and uneven skin tone.
Kim Mitchell, executive administrative assistant
Pantyhose memory: Around the seventh grade I was able to wear pantyhose to church. A few black women wore white pantyhose, even if it didn't go with their outfit. I never understood why.
In the '90s, I coordinated my pantyhose color to my outfit. In the department store, you had a wide selection of options, just like greeting cards.
My Family Protocol Manual — Rule No. 10. When attending funerals, all women of a certain age are expected to wear "stockings," preferably black. Someone always brings extras. Of course my favorite cousin always needed a pair.
So how did it go? My legs looked better because it hid imperfections. Unfortunately, it reminded me I couldn't wear my sandals.
Jennifer Morlan, features content coach
Pantyhose memory: My first memory about pantyhose was when my older cousin received a pair of L'egg's — remember the 1970s egg-shaped containers — for Christmas. She SHRIEKED!
My worst pantyhose memory happened during a June outdoor wedding in suburban Chicago near Lake Michigan. The mosquitoes were horrible, and I had blood from the bites trickling down the inside of my pantyhose.
So how did it go? I liked how the pantyhose I wore to work looked. I am fair skinned and the nylons were a nice, light color. Nothing like the "suntan" shade of my teens and 20s. They were also more sheer and light than I remembered. I chose a sandal-foot pair. There was a space to put your big toe and a separate opening for your other four toes — like flip-flops. But it felt like I had a toe wedgie all day, and I couldn't wait to take them off.