
Blogger Interview: tohavefabulousday.blogspot.co.uk


 How do you get your inspiration for the outfits you wear ?
Usually this is one item that will catch my eye in the store or on line. Then it's only in my head that I put the whole outfit under the item. I'm also inspired by instagram photos, especially when they are in beautiful colours.

Who has had the biggest fashion influence on your outfits ? 
Definitely Sex at the City :-), but also the style of film stars especially Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly style, but also street style models or music stars.

What made you start a blog ? 
I always liked to write, So I started write articles, as time went by because many girls told me that they liked my style of dress, I started showing my stylisation's and costumes everyday, and also joined recipes for delicious meals and so BLOG MUSZKA became a blog Stylish life.

 What blogs and websites do you follow and why ? 

I follow blogs of Kasia Tusk, Olivia Palermo, Jenna Colgrove,ThenyBlonde, Carriec,Jennifer Lake, Jennifer Lane and Courtney Quinn. I really enjoy them and they inspire me. 

 Would you describe yourself as a trendsetter or fashion follower ? 
Probably not. I do not follow the trends blindly, I decide and choose what I like and sometimes I like something I buy, I wear and in a moment is a trend in the coming season. 

How would you describe your style ? 
Mine is unique and interesting.

 Does the hosiery you wear dictate the clothes,outfit you wear ? 
Sometimes but more privately, I usually use tights for styling. 

What is in your hosiery drawer or closet ? 
Lots of pantyhose and some stockings :-) 

How do you choose your hosiery ? 
I choose them at an angle of specific styling. 

Where do you shop for hosiery ? 
Usually Gatta, Gabriella or local store 

What was the last item of hosiery you brought, how much you spent etc ? 
I recently bought Gatta tights at a local shop for 4 Polish złote :-) I bought several pairs. 

 Do you prefer sheer or opaque tights,stockings ,hold ups,socks , knee highs, sheer toe or reinforced ? 
I like tights in body colour, black, patterned and fishnet, I like thicker 40 den 60 den, 

Do you ever wear 10 denier tights or sheer hose if so how long do they last you ? 
I wear even 8 :-) but very careful with them because they are very delicate. 

.When do you wear hosiery,daily-once a week etc ? 
It depends on the weather, but if the temperature is below 20 degrees then every day 

What are your style tips for wearing tights ? 
Firstly, tights have to fit into the overall outfit, secondly, in my opinion, white tights are for little girls only, but all other colours and designs are big girls; thirdly, the right size - they look too small and too big tights. 

How do you put on tights? 
Mainly with skirt, dresses, shorts. 

Do you keep a spare pair of tights in your bag ? 
Sometimes yes. One pair I always have at work in the store just in case :-) 

.Do you recycle your tights if not how many pairs of tights do you throw away each month ? 
I do not know :-) I always throw a pair away when I see that unfortunately during the day they got damaged.


Thanks to Catherine for the interview.
If you would like to take the fashionmylegs interview and promote your blog you can contact me at Fashionmylegs@yahoo.com

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