
Featured blog lions love lattes


Twenty-something Canadian girl. Loves shopping, jewellery, make-up, rollercoasters and waterslides, coffee and tea, spending time with friends and family, and my fiance JP!!

How do you get your inspiration for the outfits you wear?
I get my inspiration from friends, magazines, and blogs.

Who has had the biggest fashion influence on your outfits?
Probably my mom and my aunt have been my biggest fashion influences in general, but I’m not sure who has the biggest influence on my outfits. I just dress based on what makes me feel good.

What made you start posting your pictures on chictopia? 
A friend of mine and I were always randomly checking Chictopia for inspiration. One day at work we just decided to take photos on our lunch break, post them and see what happened. Since then I’ve been hooked. I started my blog shortly after.


What blogs and websites do you follow and why? 

A few personal style blogs that I like right now are Selective Potential, A Haute Mess, Rantings of a Fashion Addict, Quality Rivets, Lulu Letty, and Style Scrapbook. I really like reading other Canadian blogs. There are so many great blogs out there though, and I am finding new inspiring ones everyday.

Who are you style icons?
Everyday regular people. I admire people who have amazing style on a strict budget. Would you describe yourself as a trendsetter or fashion follower?

How do you choose your hosiery? 

Look, feel, reliability.

Where do you shop for legwear (favourite local online stores etc) ?
Right now I really like Joe Fresh Style. Their tights and socks seem to last for a decent amount of time and they are pretty comfortable. My favourite leggings are from Aritzia and Victoria’s Secret.

What was the last item of hosiery you brought, how much you spent etc?

I almost bought a pair of zebra striped tights at Aldo. I’m still thinking about getting them. The last hosiery that I bought was a sheer black pair of tights with little black flowers on them from Joe Fresh Style for $6.

Do you prefer sheer or opaque tights, stockings or holdups, socks or kneehighs, sheer toe or reinforced? 

All of the above!!

When do you wear hosiery, daily-once a week etc ?

It varies. I’ve been wearing tights a lot more because of the cooler weather. My feet are ridiculously cold all the time so I like anything that covers my feet.

What is your hosiery staple? 

Black tights. I wear them to work often. I have several pairs in a variety of deniers.

How do you put on tights?

I scrunch them up so my feet are in first, and then roll them up from there.

Whats the strangest place you have worn or put on a pair of tights?
I’ve put on a pair in my car before. Lol. On the way to work I decided I was too cold. Luckily I had a handy pair of tights in my gym bag!

Do you keep a spare pair of tights in your bag?

Yes I do!

The best and worst things about hosiery, Love-hate?
When you are wearing a brand new pair of tights for the first time and they get a run as you put them on. So disappointing. I know runs are supposed to be in right now, but I can’t stand it on myself.

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