I just got back from an overnighter to Manchester (more on that in a future post!) to hear that blogger went completely apeshit yesterday and peoples' comments got deleted all over the place. I can't say I've noticed anything amiss here as yet, but if you have commented and I haven't replied because I didn't get it, I'm very sorry!
I love love love receiving comments on this blog and I know people always say "they make my day" and it sounds trite, but I can tell you they really do. It feels so great to read comments and write them in return because it really feels like you're communicating with people from EVERYWHERE who share the same love (and possible slight sense of embarassment) as you.
Anyroad. Remember when we were little and every small, cool thing became a schoolwide fad from five stones to Kipling bags to David Beckham's fin hairstyle? (I remember seeing one boy who came to school with it the very next day and thinking it was a bit silly that he didn't wait a bit so it would be a less obvious copy.)
The big fad this month is the fishtail braid! Shriya and I have been trying to learn it from youtube for hours and hours over days and days and I finally twigged. Here are some pictures of my earliest (messy) attempt, worn with a dinner outfit to meet some friends. I know it's completely inconsequential, but it feels like I've achieved something learning it - Shriya and I keep meeting each other only to find that we're wearing all kinds of variations on the braid and complimenting each other as if we've won the Nobel Peace Prize. The truth is stranger than fiction (my fiction in particular).
Cardigan - Present from mother. Skirt - Primark. Tanktop - Cotton On.
Tights - M and S. Clogs - Swedish Hasbeens for H and M. Bag - Vintage.
Necklace - Urban outfitters. Earrings - Toa Payoh Central.
And in completely unrelated (but thrilling) news, which girl has two thumbs and a ticket to see Iron Maiden in July?