How to wear tights longer


Yarns, holes, damaged: tights are linked and do not keep, the price of a budget that we would be okay. Faced with this problem of major company, we decided to take action and give you some tips to better preserve them.

Every year it's the same thing: winter comes, the mercury drop and tights ... budget. explodes.However much there to be extremely careful, threading very carefully but to no avail: they spin, they pierce they are damaged, let alone the timing is rarely good. Obviously, all we know the trick of nail polish transparent in case of small scratch, but concretely, how does it to keep our longer sticky? A review of the most effective means of action.

1. Put her new pantyhose in the freezer.

A recipe grandmother probably be applied before the first use of your brand new tights. In short: after having previously put in a plastic bag, place your pantyhose in the freezer (yes, in the middle of frozen) and let stand overnight. At daybreak, pass them under cold water and let them dry on a clothes line. Once dry, it's ready! The mesh of the tights will be sufficiently tightened and consolidated for long-lasting wear.

2. Wash her pantyhose in a pillowcase.

Yes because the washing machine is far from the tenderest machine with our tights. So, it preserves by hiding them in a pillowcase before launching the program at 30 degrees. One can also buy a special bag shop, or at home Etam Phildar.

3. Put on socks over his tights.

Certainly this is not the most glam solution 'but everything is good to take. History to avoid end up with unsightly holes when removing your boots (especially when still annoying), it is believed to put mini-black socks over his tights. It's stupid but it limits the wear and therefore the purchase of tights family size every three days.

4. Hydrate the skin before putting on her tights.

All drama "collantesque" beginning with a hitch, care is taken to moisturize our skin , especially heels , before putting them on. Smoother, softer, our creaming legs and slip into our tights without a scratch unfortunate.

5. file nails and remove her rings

We do not say it often enough but a fingernail grip is often the cause of death of our tights. So much care is taken to file them before putting them on. Similarly, we do not forget to remove her rings and other jewelry highly detrimental to the survival of our Wolford worshiped.

6. Have a shot of hairspray

Another little trick to keep intact our tights: spend a little bit of hair spray before wearing them for the first time. As the freezer, it fixes the mesh and reduces the risk of yarn tights. But be careful to apply it sparingly so as not to end up with your new pair of rigid Sun completely.

Other tips to share? Do not hesitate to advise us: it is never enough.

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