
Blogger Interview- Sixbeforebreakfast


This weeks featured blogger is Sixbeforebreakfast clink on the pic above to pop to her website.
Is there a question you would like me to include in future posts ? Let me know.

How do you get your inspiration for the outfits you wear ?
A lot of my inspiration comes from other street fashion bloggers. I love that the online fashion community is vast and varied. I am inspired by so many women with so many different styles! Recently I’ve tried to pick pieces from my closet that don’t get much wear and build outfits around them. But mostly I just daydream outfits and learn what I love through trial and error.

Who has had the biggest fashon influence on your outfits ?
I’m not sure if I could name one person! I like to dress to make me happy so I guess I am my biggest influence. Boyfriend helps a lot though; he is who I turn to for critique. Often times he’s right when he suggests a change—sometimes he just thinks my skirt is too short. haha.

What made you start posting your pictures on chictopia ?
I first started using wardrobe_remix and I showed the website to my roommate (a fashion major) and she introduced me to chictopia. The site is so easy to use and the community so warm that I was instantly hooked!

What blogs and websites do you follow and why ?
I follow a ton of blogs. My favorite fashion blogs right now are Kennedy Holmes, Vintage Vixen, Fashiontoast, Jenloveskev, Hipster Musings, and Barbro Anderson. I find that I cycle through favorite bloggers as my moods change. A few weeks ago I was in love with other fashionistas!


Would you describe yourself as a trendsetter or fashion follower ?
Hopefully neither. I tend to thrift a lot so I’m not hugely influenced by what’s new in stores. I don’t follow runway shoes (besides the images posted on the blogs I follow) so I have no idea what the latest designs are. I dress in clothes that make me smile. If other people are inspired by what I wear awesome! Getting compliments rocks but I haven’t seen any mini-Sarah’s running around. Haha


How would you describe your style ?
Cyclical and constantly changing. Right now I’m really into layers upon layers. I wear mostly skirts and dresses. Last year I was jeans and tee shirts. Two years ago I was all about the latest thing at Forever 21 and H&M. I have no idea how to label my style!

Does the hosiery you wear dictate the clothes,outfit you wear ?
Sometimes. If I am wearing a really loud pair of stockings or socks I will plan an outfit around them. Mostly I plan outfits and pick the hosiery that compliments the outfit the best. Stockings/socks can make or break an outfit and I love that they are such an easy and fun accessory.

What is in your hosiery drawer or closet ?
A bunch of unmatched socks. Maybe 10-15 stockings balled up carefully. A few pairs of thigh high socks. Probably some miscellaneous underwear or t-shirts that have migrated into the drawer.

How do you choose your hosiery ?
I pick hosiery based on the gaps I find in my collection. Nothing is more frustrating than creating an outfit and discovering that not a single stocking you own matches. When that happens I jot down the color/pattern I need and pick it up when I see it. The more quirky patterns I own are spontaneous purchases!

Where do you shop for hoseiry ?
I was recently introduced by a friend to sockdreams.com. I love the brand Hue. Urban Outfitters has some great, funky patterns. I want to try We Love Colors because I’ve heard such great things.

What was the last item of hosiery you brought, how much you spent etc ?
Yikes. It has been awhile since I purchased hosiery. I think I made a huge purchase from sockdreams (maybe $50). I ordered two pair of cotton thigh-highs (green and maroon), a pair of knee-high brown socks, a pair of black and pink horizontally striped thigh-highs, and black thigh-highs with little bows. My next purchase will be a sock belt or garter belt to hold these suckers up!

Do you prefer sheer or opaque tights,stockings or holdups,socks or kneehighs,sheer toe or reinforced ?
I probably have more opaque tights because I like patterns. I ordered a bunch of knee highs and thigh highs but it’s a little cold for the former and the latter don’t stay up very well. I prefer reinforced toe because I tear holes in everything!


When do you wear hosiery,daily-once a week etc ?
Several times a week. I wear a lot of tights and stockings because I wear a lot of skirts and dresses. As the weather has turned colder I’ve been wearing thick cotton leggings more and more. I can’t wait for the temperature to rise so I can wear my stockings and socks comfortably again!

What is your hosiery staple ?
I wouldn’t say that I had one!

How does wearing tights make you feel emotionally ? More feminine, better with girly outfits not thought about it ? I ordered thigh high stockings because there is something very feminine and seductive about wearing them under a modest skirt or dress.


Are you more likely to wear tights on a certain day ?
When it’s warm I wear tights almost every day!


Do you physically like the feel of tights and touch ? Do your legs ache less, prefer than pants ? not thought about it ? I prefer tights to pants because I prefer dresses/skirts to pants and in the winter it is a necessity to have my legs covered.

What are your style tips for wearing tights ?
Try anything. Most tights are inexpensive (compared to other clothing items) and it can be a great way to introduce a funky pattern into an outfit.

If you could own a celebrities hosiery drawer,who's would it be ?
I was recently introduced to Emilie Autumn and I would love her mis-matched hosiery drawer!

Do you keep a spare pair of tights in your bag ?

The best and worst things about hosiery, Love-hate ?
It’s easy to buy cheap hosiery that tears. Or more delicate pairs that tear. Tears period are the worst thing!


Have you ever worn tights in bed ?
Not intentionally. Haha. I have fallen asleep in tights before, though.


Whats the best way to put on tights?
My mother taught me to put both feet on and inch them up your legs (to prevent runs).
Do you recycle your tights ?

I once used my cheap purple tights in a Halloween costume…

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