
Blogs to check out:http://missinfluenced.blogspot.com


My blog is missinfluenced.blogspot.com but you can also find me at www.chictopia.com/missinfluenced and www.weardrobe.com/users/missinfluenced

What made you start blogging or posting on the web?
Last May I began working in fashion retail and that was when I started turning to the internet for fashion inspiration.  I stumbled upon calivintage.comand that began my obsession with fashion blogs, but I didn’t work up the courage to start my own until several months later.  I had an art project that had to do with 1920’s fashion and I used that project as an excuse to finally start my blog.  You can see that my earliest blog posts were all centered on that 1920’s theme. 

How do you get your inspiration for the outfits you wear?
A few years ago my home town got an Anthropologie and entering that store for the first time literally changed my life.  I started an art internship there where I helped the display coordinator assemble the store decorations.  Every morning all the employees would have a meeting and try on clothes. Those ladies really influenced me and taught me to take bigger risks with my personal style. I’ve been collecting Anthropologie catalogs ever since, and that aesthetic still influences me today even thought I find inspiration from my fellow bloggers, movies, and magazines, and a lot of my style judgements are heavily influenced by my academic art background; I just received my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting last December.

How has fashion affected your life?
I used to suppress my interest in clothes and pretty things because it felt petty and materialistic.  It wasn’t until I started working in fashion retail that I let myself embrace my passion for fashion as a skill that could help women feel good about them selves in a very meaningful way.  Since then I’ve let fashion take over a huge portion of my life and I couldn’t be happier with that.

Who has had the biggest fashion influence on your outfits?
I don’t think I can narrow it down to just one person.  Being “Miss Influenced” I pick up inspiration everywhere and my tastes change constantly. However, Katy, of kansascouture.com, has been a huge influence on me recently.  I love how her style always feels a little effortless and spontaneous but still pulled together.

What made you start posting your pictures on chictopia? 
Weardrobe was the first online fashion community I joined, but it’s small and selective and I wanted to find a bigger community, so I joined chictopia.  Everyone on chictopia is nice and welcoming, and I love that their styles are so diverse.  I’m addicted!

What blogs and websites do you follow and why? 
When someone follows my blog I like to follow theirs as a way of saying thanks and helping their blog to grow, and if someone leaves a comment for me, I check out their blog and leave a comment for them.  I like to keep in touch with my readers.  Every once in a while I find a blog that I really love and I read the archives from beginning to present to see how the blogger’s style has changed and developed.  I’m currently working on trophyboutique.blogspot.com. Laurel is one of my blogging BFF’s and she is so sweet.

Would you describe yourself as a trendsetter or fashion follower ?
That’s a really tough question. I can be resistant to following trends if I think they are overused.  A lot of my stylistic choices feel more intuitive than if I were deliberately trying to following a trend, and I keep an eye out for looks that feel fresh and unique, but to qualify as a “trendsetter”, I would have to have “followers”, and I’m not sure that I have many.   

How would you describe your style? 
As much as I’d like to break out, my looks tend to be a bit feminine and preppy with a vintage flair.  I wear skirts and dresses a lot and I’m drawn to classic shapes, patterns, bright colors, and pretty details.

Does the hosiery you wear dictate the clothes, outfit you wear?
That depends on the tight.  A colorful patterned tight can be paired with a limited number pieces, so my collection also includes solid and basic colored tights that are more versatile.  I love how matching tights and shoes make your legs look longer so sometimes the color of the tight dictates what shoes I wear.  Getting dressed is always a bit of trial and error for me.  Sometimes the piece that is the inspiration for the outfit gets eliminated, so the equation for an outfit that feels “right” can be a bit convoluted.

What is in your hosiery drawer or closet? 
I made a blog post specifically for this question.  You can see it at http://missinfluenced.blogspot.com/2011/03/homage.html
My collection includes patterned, fishnet, sweater knit, sheer, opaque, and footless tights of all different colors.  The more the better!

How do you choose your hosiery? 
I’m a bargain hunter so the price helps me decide whether to buy or not.  If it’s cheap I can afford to experiment with different colors, patterns and textures, but I also try to keep basic colors handy.  I consider red a basic color.  Everyone needs a pair of red tights to wear with red shoes, and I’m also a huge fan of white tights right now.  

Where do you shop for hoseiry (online or highstreet shop)?
I’m always on the lookout for cheap tights.  JCPenney has great Worthington tights and they send me awesome coupons in the mail that make them a really great deal.  I’ve also gotten tights at Forever 21, Wal-Mart, Target, TJMaxx, Loft, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, and Charlotte Russe.  I usually shop in stores, but I’m a huge fan of urbanoutfitters.com because they have an amazing sale selection and they always have free shipping and returns for orders over $150.

What was the last item of hosiery you brought, how much you spent etc?
I got a 3-pack of “Hot-Sox” tights for $10 at TJMaxx.  I got a run in the white pair on the first wear, but this happens to me frequently.  Maybe I should just invest in better tights or rock the shredded look.

Do you prefer sheer or opaque tights, stockings or holdups, socks or knee-highs, sheer toe or reinforced? 
I really like opaque tights with matching shoes because they make your legs look longer, but go a little sheer with light colored tights for a slimming effect if you have thicker legs like me.  I also like footless tights in the summer and I’m less likely to wear holes in the toes if there are no toes!  I also have a huge collection of knee-high socks in fun colors and patterns but I think I’m starting to grow out of that phase.

Do you ever wear or sheer hose if so how long do they last you ?
I don’t intentionally shred my tights because I don’t think this look would be appropriate for work, but I keep meaning to try it.

How does wearing tights make you feel emotionally? 
I feel more confident with tights on because I don’t have to worry about whether I’ve worked out or remembered to shave, but you do have to worry about static cling!

Do you physically like the feel of tights and touch?  
I prefer pants if I’m in a hurry because they’re so much easier to throw on, but if I have extra time to get ready, I usually go for tights and a skirt or dress because I love that look.

When do you wear hosiery, daily-once a week etc?
In the winter I wear hose at least once a week, more if it’s a good week. 

What is your hosiery staple?
I’ve got to have opaque black tights to go with my black Mary Janes.  This combination lengthens my legs and looks good with almost everything. 

What are your style tips for wearing tights
For me it’s all about flattering proportions.  I don’t want to divide the space of my body with too many contrasting colors because this makes me look shorter.  When I wear tights I try to have at least two pieces that are in the same color family.  For example, If I don’t have matching shoes and tights (which I love if you haven’t noticed), I’ll try to match my skirt to my tights, or match my top to the skirt, or wear a dress with a matching belt.  I wrote a post on monochromatic looks that all involve tights and you can read it here: http://missinfluenced.blogspot.com/2010/12/monochromatic-is-so-2008.html

What is your prediction for upcoming hosiery trends?
I won’t even pretend to know what other people will be wearing, but I really want some hot pink and burgundy tights.  I’ve noticed that vintage-inspired styles have become really popular lately, so my advice for predicting the future would be to look to the past.  Maybe we’ll be seeing a lot of thigh highs and garter belts and I will not jump on that bandwagon.

How do you put on tights?
I scrunch up each leg and carefully put my feet in so my toenails don’t snag and start a run, and then I pull them up the rest of the way. 

The strangest place you have worn or put on tights?
A couple winters ago I went on a backpacking trip in Italy, France, and Spain, and my light packing strategy was leggings and skirts.  Layer when it’s cold (Milan) or just wear the skirt when it’s warm (Barcelona).  Leggings are easy to hand wash and dry fairly quickly, so they are perfect for traveling.

Do you keep a spare pair of tights in your bag?
No, but that’s an excellent idea! Why didn’t I think of that before?

The best and worst things about hosiery, Love-hate ?
I love that tights are a cheap and easy way to spice up you wardrobe, but I’m less of a fan of putting them on and getting runs in them. 

Do you recycle your tights if not how many pairs of tights do you throw away each month ?
I almost never throw away my tights.  I’m a huge fan of the clear nail polish trick and I’ll plan outfits with boots or longer skirts to cover up holes in my favorite tights.  I had an ancient pair of nude tights with a run that I layered under another pair of nude tights that I then wore under a floor-length bridesmaids dress for a wedding on New Year’s Eve.  It was really cold that day and we had to take pictures outside.  Those tights went in the trash after that.

Could you go without tights, how would you feel if tights didn't exist ?
think I could get by with just leggings and knee-high socks.  I would be very sad if legwear didn’t exist because I love to wear dresses and skirts in the winter.  I get bored with just pants. 

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