Blogger Interview
04:58:00What made you start blogging or posting on the web ?
How do you get your inspiration for the outfits you wear ?
How has fashion affected your life ?
Who has had the biggest fashon influence on your outfits ?
Would you describe yourself as a trendsetter or fashion follower ?
How would you describe your style ?

How do you choose your hosiery ?
Where do you shop for hoseiry (online or highstreet shop) ?
What was the last item of hosiery you brought, how much you spent etc ?
Do you ever wear 10 denier tights or sheer hose if so how long do they last you ?
How does wearing tights make you feel emotionally ?
Do you physically like the feel of tights and touch ?
When do you wear hosiery,daily-once a week etc ?I wear them daily.
What are your style tips for wearing tights ?
What is your prediction for upcoming hosiery trends ?
How do you put on tights?You don't want to see me doing that ;p
The strangest place you have worn or put on tights ?
Do you keep a spare pair of tights in your bag ?
The best and worst things about hosiery, Love-hate ?
Do you recycle your tights if not how many pairs of tights do you throw away each month ? What was the last pair you put in the bin ?

Could you go without tights, how would you feel if tights didn't exist ?