I love tights! I seem to live in skirts and thick tights on a daily basis. (I've been told there's a quote in New Girl when Jess says "I know nothing about men. That's why I'm wearing a short skirt and wool tights." which reminds my friends of me!) When MyTights.com emailed me asking if I wanted to try out a pair I obviously jumped at the chance! I chose theHenry Holland Super Suspender Tights which are currently £12.
I paired them here with my ASOS hummingbird print skater dress
The length of the stocking part of the tights is quite high, so to get full impact you need to wear a short skirt! I like the "flashes" of the tops you get when moving around with an above the knee skirt
The bottom of the tights is a very thick denier, so would be hard to break or ladder. The tops are more of a light denier though so may be easier to show pulls. I'm keeping them safely in the bag they came with when I'm not wearing them. They also have cute "pant" detail at the top around the waist. They are a little cheeky and would look fabulous with some sequin hotpants on a night out. Just make sure you don't wear them with a leather skirt like I did in my Instagram picture - it's the quickest way to looking cheap!
Button wanted in on the action. She may look uncomfortable but she always likes sitting on my arm, resting her chin and stretching her legs out!
Check out MyTights.com for a huge range of cute tights, including hold-up ones with the Paris skyline on, and with bunny ears!